MAO group - Models and Algorithms for Optimization

Dept. of Information Engineering                                                                      University of Brescia


Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Universita' degli Studi di Brescia
via Branze, 38
25123, Brescia

+39 030 371 5448
+39 030 371 5935
+39 030 371 5757

Since 2007, MAO is the Operational Reserch group working at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Brescia, Italy. It is part of the inter-departmental group OR@BRESCIA (University of Brescia, Italy).
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  • Khatua S., Manerba D., Maity S., De D. (2024). Dew Computing-Based Sustainable Internet of Vehicular Things. In: D. De, S. Roy (eds), Dew Computing: The Sustainable IoT Perspectives. Internet of Things book series. Springer, Singapore.  >> View at publisher
  • Bierlaire M., Fadda E., Fotio Tiotsop L., Manerba D. (2024). Workforce Allocation for Social Engagement Services via Stochastic Optimization. In: S. Fidanova (ed.), Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 1158, pp. 71–87, Springer.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda E., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2024). How to locate services optimizing redundancy: A comparative analysis of K-Covering Facility Location models. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 94, 101938.  >> View at publisher
  • Bontempi P., Manerba D., D’Hooge A., Canazza S. (2024). From MIDI to rich tablatures: an automatic generative system incorporating lead guitarists' fingering and stylistic choices. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing conference (SMC2024), Jul 04-06, 2024. Porto (Portugal).

  • 2023

  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Crainic T.G., Tadei R. (2023). The Synchronized Multi-commodity Multiservice Transshipment-Hub Location Problem with Cyclic Services and Demand. Technical report CIRRELT-2023-03. CIRRELT, Montreal.  >> View at publisher
  • Colajanni G., Gobbi A., Picchi M., Raffaele A., Taranto E. (2023) An Operations Research–Based Teaching Unit for Grade 11: The ROAR Experience, Part II. INFORMS Transactions on Education 0(0).  >> View at publisher
  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Crainic T.G., Tadei R. (2023). The Synchronized Multi-commodity Multiservice Transshipment-Hub Location Problem with Cyclic Services and Demand. Computers and Operations Research 158, 106282.  >> View at publisher

  • 2022

  • Li Y., Fadda E., Manerba D., Roohnavazfar M., Tadei R., Terzo O. (2022). Online Single-Machine Scheduling via Reinforcement Learning. In: S. Fidanova (Ed.), Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. WCO 2020. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 986. Springer, Cham.  >> View at publisher
  • Gioda I., Caputo D., Fadda E., Manerba D., Silva Fernández B., Tadei R. (2022). Optimal seating assignment in the COVID-19 era via Quantum Computing. In: S. Fidanova (ed.), Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence. vol 1044, pp. 21-38, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06839-3_2  >> View at publisher
  • Gobbi A., Manerba D., Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2022). Hybridizing adaptive large neighborhood search with kernel search: a new solution approach for the nurse routing problem with incompatible services and minimum demand. International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (1), 8-38.   >> View at publisher
  • Colajanni G., Gobbi A., Picchi M., Raffaele A., Taranto E.. An Operations Research based Teaching Unit for Grade 10: The ROAR Experience, Part I. Informs Transaction On Education.  >> View at publisher
  • Bierlaire M., Fadda E., Fotio Tiotsop L., Manerba D. (2022). A chance-constraint approach for optimizing social engagement-based services. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS). M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Slezak (eds), ACSIS, vol. 30, pp 301-304.  >> View at publisher
  • Taranto E., Colajanni G., Gobbi A., Picchi M., Raffaele A. Fostering students' modelling and problem-solving skills through Operations Research, digital technologies, and collaborative learning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

  • 2021

  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Tadei R (2021). Multi-period Transshipment Location-Allocation Problem with Flow Synchronization under Stochastic Handling Operations. Networks 78(1), 88-104.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda E., Manerba D., Cabodi G., Camurati P., Tadei R. (2021). Comparative analysis of models and performance indicators for optimal service facility location. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 145, 102174.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda, E., Manerba, D., Cabodi, G., Camurati, P., Tadei, R. (2021). Evaluation of Optimal Charging Station Location for Electric Vehicles: An Italian Case-Study. In: S. Fidanova (Ed.), Recent Advances in Computational Optimization. Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence vol. 920, pp. 71–87.  >> View at publisher
  • Raffaele, A., Gobbi, A. (2021). Teaching Operations Research Before University: A Focus on Grades 9–12. SN Operations Research Forum 2, 13.  >> View at publisher
  • Roohnavazfar M., Manerba D., Fotio Tiotsop L., Pasandideh S. H. R., Tadei R (2021). Stochastic single machine scheduling problem as a multi-stage dynamic random decision process. Computational Management Science 18(3), 267-297.  >> View at publisher
  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2021). Smart Steaming: a new flexible paradigm for Synchromodal Logistics. Sustainability 13(9):4635.  >> View at publisher
  • Kain R., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2021). The Index Selection Problem with Configurations and Memory Limitation: A Scatter Search approach. Computers and Operations Research 133, 105385.  >> View at publisher
  • Gioda I., Caputo D., Fadda E., Manerba D., Silva Fernández B., Tadei R. (2021). Solving assignment problems via Quantum Computing: a case-study in train seating arrangement. Proceedings of the 2021 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). In: M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Slezak (eds), ACSIS, vol. 25, pp. 217-220.  >> View at publisher
  • Crainic T.G., Giusti R., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2021). The Synchronized Location-Transshipment Problem. In: Transportation Research Procedia 52C, pp. 43-50. Proceedings of 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2020). Paphos (Cyprus). September 16-18, 2020.   >> View at publisher

  • 2020

  • Tadei R., Perboli G., Manerba D. (2020). The multi-stage dynamic stochastic decision process with unknown distribution of the random utilities. Optimization Letters 14, pp. 1207-1218.  >> View at publisher
  • Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2020). Optimizing the physician scheduling problem in a large hospital ward. Journal of Scheduling 23 (3), pp. 337–361.  >> View at publisher
  • Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2020). A Core-Based Exact Algorithm for the Multidimensional Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (4), pp. 1061-1079.
  • Hanafi S., Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2020). The Multi-visit Team Orienteering Problem with Precedence Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 282(2), pp. 515–529.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda E., Fotio Tiotsop L., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2020). The stochastic multi-path traveling salesman problem with dependent random travel costs. Transportation Science 54 (5), pp. 1372-1387.  >> View at publisher
  • Li Y., Carabelli S., Fadda E., Manerba D., Tadei R., Terzo O. (2020). Machine Learning and Optimization for Production Rescheduling in Industry 4.0. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 110, 2445-2463.  >> View at publisher
  • Guastaroba G., Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2020). Enhanced index tracking with CVaR-based ratio measures. Annals of Operations Research 292 (2), pp. 883–931.  >> View at publisher
  • Li Y., Fadda E., Manerba D., Tadei R., Terzo O. (2020) Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Online Single-Machine Scheduling. Proceedings of the 2020 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2020, pp. 277–283, 9222933.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda E., Fotio Tiotsop L., Manerba D., Tadei R. (2020). Optimization problems under uncertainty in smart cities. In: Augusto J.C. (ed), Handbook of Smart Cities. Springer Cham.   >> View at publisher

  • 2019

  • Manerba D., Perboli G. (2019). New solution approaches for the capacitated supplier selection problem with total quantity discount and activation costs under demand uncertainty. Computers & Operations Research 101, pp. 29-42.  >> View at publisher
  • Baldi M.M., Manerba D., Perboli G., Tadei R. (2019). A generalized bin packing problem for parcel delivery in last-mile logistics. European Journal of Operational Research 274 (3). 990-999.  >> View at publisher
  • Giusti R., Iorfida C., Li Y., Manerba D., Musso S., Perboli G., Tadei R., Yuan S. (2019). Sustainable and de-stressed international supply-chains through the SYNCHRO-NET approach. Sustainability 11 (4):1083.  >> View at publisher
  • Gobbi A., Manerba D., Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2019). A Kernel Search for a patient satisfaction-oriented nurse routing problem with time-windows. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), pp. 1669-1674.   >> View at publisher
  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Bruno G., Tadei R. (2019). Synchromodal logistics: An overview of critical success factors, enabling technologies, and open research issues. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 129, 92-110.  >> View at publisher
  • Roohnavazfar M., Manerba D., De Martin J.C., Tadei R. (2019). Optimal paths in multi-stage stochastic decision networks. Operations Research Perspectives 6: number 100124.  >> View at publisher
  • Fadda E., Manerba D., Cabodi G., Camurati P., Tadei R. (2019). KPIs for Optimal Location of charging stations for Electric Vehicles: the Biella case-study. In: Proceedings of the 2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki (eds). ACSIS, vol. 18, pp 123-126.  >> View at publisher
  • Calogiuri T., Ghiani G., Guerriero E., Mansini R. (2019). A branch-and-bound algorithm for the time-dependent rural postman problem. Computers and Operations Research 102, pp. 150-157.  >> View at publisher

  • 2018

  • Manerba D., Mansini R., Perboli G. (2018). The Capacitated Supplier Selection Problem with Total Quantity Discount policy and Activation Costs under Uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics 198, pp. 119-132.  >> View at publisher
  • Bianchessi, N., Mansini, R., Speranza. (2018). A branch-and-cut algorithm for the Team Orienteering Problem. International Transactions in Operational Research 25(2), pp. 627-635.  >> View at publisher
  • Pasetti M., Rinaldi S., Manerba D. (2018). A Virtual Power Plant Architecture for the Demand-Side Management of Smart Prosumers. Applied Sciences 8 (3), 432.  >> View at publisher
  • Tadei R., Perboli G., Manerba D. (2018). A recent approach to derive the Multinomial Logit model for choice probability. In: P. Daniele and L. Scrimali (eds.), New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems, AIRO Springer Series, vol. 1, pp. 473-481.  >> View at publisher
  • Giusti R., Manerba D., Perboli G., Tadei R., Yuan S. (2018). A New Open-source System for Strategic Freight Logistics Planning: the SYNCHRO-NET Optimization Tools. Transportation Research Procedia 30C, pp. 245-254.  >> View at publisher
  • Manerba D., Mansini R., Zanotti R. (2018). Attended Home Delivery: reducing last-mile environmental impact by changing customer habits. IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (5), 55-60.  >> View at publisher

  • 2017

  • Beraldi P., Bruni M.E., Manerba D., Mansini R. (2017). A Stochastic Programming approach for the Traveling Purchaser Problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 28(1) pp 41-63.   >> View at publisher
  • Manerba D., Mansini R., Riera-Ledesma J. (2017). The Traveling Purchaser Problem and its Variants. European Journal of Operational Research 259 (1), pp. 1-18.  >> View at publisher
  • Colombi, M., Mansini, R., Savelsbergh, M. (2017). The generalized independent set problem: Polyhedral analysis and solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research 260(1), pp. 41-55.  >> View at publisher
  • Colombi, M., Corberan, A., Mansini, R., Plana, I., Sanchis, J.M. (2017). The directed profitable rural postman problem with incompatibility constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 261(2), pp. 549-562.  >> View at publisher
  • Angelelli, E., Gendreau, M., Mansini, R., Vindigni, M. (2017). The Traveling Purchaser Problem with time-dependent quantities. Computers and Operations Research 82, pp. 15-26.  >> View at publisher
  • Filippi, C., Mansini, R., Stevanato, E. (2017). Mixed integer linear programming models for optimal crop selection. Computers and Operations Research 81, pp. 26-39.  >> View at publisher
  • Saccani, N., Visintin, F., Mansini, R., Colombi, M. (2017). Improving spare parts management for field services: A model and a case study for the repair kit problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 28(2), pp. 185-204.  >> View at publisher
  • Colombi, M., Corberan, A., Mansini, R., Plana, I., Sanchis, J.M. (2017). The Hierarchical Mixed Rural Postman Problem: Polyhedral analysis and a branch-and-cut algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research 257(1), pp. 1-12.  >> View at publisher
  • Colombi M., Corberan A., Mansini R., Plana I., Sanchis J.M. (2017). The hierarchical mixed rural postman problem. Transportation Science 51(2), pp. 755-770.  >> View at publisher

  • 2016

  • Gendreau M., Manerba D., Mansini R. (2016). The Multi-Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints and Unitary Demands: A Branch-and-Price approach. European Journal of Operational Research 248(1), 59-71.  >> View at publisher
  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Vindigni M. (2016). The Stochastic and Dynamic Traveling Purchaser Problem. Transportation Science 50(2), 642-658.   >> View at publisher
  • Guastaroba G., Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2016). Linear Programming Models based on Omega Ratio for the Enhanced Index Tracking Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 251(3), pp. 938-956.   >> View at publisher
  • Colombi M., Corberan A., Mansini R., Plana I., Sanchis J.M. (2016). The Hierarchical Mixed Rural Postman Problem. Transportation Science 51 (2), 755-770.  >> View at publisher
  • Manerba D., Mansini R. (2016). The Nurse Routing Problem with Workload Constraints and Incompatible Services. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (12), pp. 1192-1197.  >> View at publisher

  • 2015

  • Manerba D., Mansini R. (2015). A branch-and-cut algorithm for the Multi-vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints. Networks 65(2), pp. 139-154.   >> View at publisher
  • Manerba D. (2015). Optimization models and algorithms for problems in Procurement Logistics. 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 13(3). pp. 339-340.  >> View at publisher
  • Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2015). Linear and Mixed Integer Programming for Portfolio Optimization. EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research, Vol. 1, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-18482-1.

  • 2014

  • Manerba D., Mansini R. (2014). An Effective Matheuristic for the Capacitated Total Quantity Discount Problem. Computers and Operations Research 41(1), pp. 1-11.  >> View at publisher
  • Manerba D., Gendreau M., Mansini R. (2014). The Multi-Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Pairwise Incompatibility Constraints and Unitary Demands: A Branch-and-Price Approach. CIRRELT-2014-52, CIRRELT.  >> View at publisher
  • Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2014). Twenty Years of Linear Programming Based Portfolio Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 234, p. 518-535.
  • Colombi M., Mansini R., (2014). New results for the Directed Profitable Rural Postman Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 238(3), p. 760-773.
  • Bianchessi N., Mansini R., Speranza M.G., (2014). The Distance Constrained Multiple Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 235(1), p. 73-87.

  • 2012

  • Manerba D., Mansini R. (2012). An Exact Algorithm for the Capacitated Total Quantity Discount Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 222(2) pp. 287-300.  >> View at publisher
  • Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2012). CORAL: An exact algorithm for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24, p. 399-415.
  • Mansini R., Savelsbergh M.W.P., Tocchella B. (2012). The supplier selection problem with quantity discounts and truckload shipping. OMEGA 40, p. 445-455.
  • Labadie N., Mansini R., Melechovsky J., Wolfler Calvo R. (2012). The Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows: An LP-based Granular Variable Neighborhood Search. European Journal of Operational Research 220, p. 15-27.
  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2012). Kernel Search: A new heuristic framework for portfolio selection. Computational Optimization and Applications 51, p. 345-361.

  • 2011

  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Vindigni M. (2011). Look-ahead heuristics for the dynamic traveling purchaser problem. Computers & Operations Research 38, pp. 1867-1876.

  • 2010

  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2010). Kernel Search: A general heuristic for the Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem. Computers & Operations Research 37, p. 2017-2026.
  • Angelelli E., Bianchessi N., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2010). Comparison of policies in dynamic routing problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society 61, p. 686-695.

  • 2009

  • Mansini, R., Tocchella, B. (2009). Effective Algorithms for a Bounded Version of the Uncapacitated TPP. In: L. Bertazzi, M.G. Speranza and J.A. van Nunen, Innovations in Distribution Logistics. Springer, Berlin, p. 267-281.
  • Mansini, R., Tocchella, B. (2009). The Traveling Purchaser Problem with Budget Constraint. Computers & Operations Research 36, p. 2263-2274.
  • Mansini, R., Pferschy U. (2009). A Two-Period Portfolio Selection Model for Asset-backed Securitization. Algorithmic Operations Research 4(2), p. 155-170.
  • Guastaroba G., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2009). On the effectiveness of scenario generation techniques in single-period portfolio optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 192, p. 500-511.
  • Guastaroba G., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2009). Models and simulations for portfolio rebalancing. Computational Economics 33, p. 237-262.
  • Guastaroba G., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2009). Modeling the pre-auction stage: the truckload case. In: L. Bertazzi, M.G. Speranza, J.A. van Nunen, Innovations in Distribution Logistics. Springer, Berlin, pp. 219-233.
  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Vindigni M. (2009). Exploring greedy criteria for the dynamic traveling purchaser problem. Central European Journal of Operations Research 17, pp. 141-158.
  • Angelelli E., Bianchessi N., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2009). Management policies in a dynamic multi-period routing problem. In: L. Bertazzi, M.G. Speranza, J.A. van Nunen, Innovations in Distribution Logistics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-15.
  • Angelelli E., Bianchessi N., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2009). Short Term Strategies for a Dynamic Multi-Period Routing Problem. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 17, pp. 106-119.

  • 2008

  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2008). A comparison of MAD and CVaR with side constraints. Journal of Banking and Finance 32, pp. 1188-1197.

  • 2007

  • Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2007). Conditional value at risk and related linear programming models for portfolio optimization. Annals of Operations Research 152, pp. 227-256.

  • 2005

  • Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2005). An exact approach for portfolio selection with transaction costs and rounds. IIE TRANSACTIONS 37, pp. 919-929.
  • Archetti C., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2005). Complexity and reducibility of the skip delivery problem. TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE 39, pp. 182-187.
  • Angelelli E., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2005). A real-time vehicle routing model for a courier service problem. In: Klose A., Fleischmann B., Distribution Logistics. Springer, Berlin, pp. 87-103.

  • 2004

  • Mansini R., Pferschy U. (2004). Securitization of Financial Assets: Approximation in Theory and Practice. Computational Optimization and Applications 29, pp. 147-171.
  • Mansini R., Speranza M.G., Tuza Z. (2004). Scheduling groups of tasks with precedence constraints on three dedicated processors. Discrete Applied Mathematics 134, pp. 141-168.

  • 2003

  • Chiodi L., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2003). Semi-absolute deviation rule for mutual funds portfolio selection. Annals of Operations Research 124, pp. 245-265.
  • Kellerer, H., Mansini R., Pferschy U., Speranza M.G. (2003). An efficient fully polynomial approximation scheme for the subset-sum problem. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 66(2), pp. 349-370.
  • Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2003). LP solvable models for portfolio optimization: a classification and computational comparison. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 14, pp. 187-220.
  • Mansini R., Ogryczak W., Speranza M.G. (2003). On LP solvable models for portfolio selection. Informatica 14(1), pp. 37-62.

  • 2002

  • Mansini, R., Speranza M.G., (2002). Multidimensional Knapsack Model for the Selection of Contracts in an Asset-Backed Securitization. Journal of the Operational Research Society 53, pp. 822-832.

  • 2000

  • Kellerer, H., Mansini, R., Speranza M.G. (2000). Selecting portfolios with fixed costs and minimum transaction lots. Annals of Operations Research 99, pp. 287-304.
  • Kellerer H., Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (2000). Two Linear Approximation Algorithms for the Subset-Sum Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 120, pp. 289-296.

  • 1999

  • Mansini R., Speranza M.G. (1999). Heuristic Algorithms for the Portfolio Selection Problem with Minimum Transaction Lots. European Journal of Operational Research 114(2), pp. 219-233.
  • Mansini, R., Speranza M.G. (1999). Selection of Lease Contracts in an Asset-Backed Securitization: a Real Case Analysis. Control and Cybernetics 28(4), pp. 739-754.

  • 1998

  • Mansini, R., Speranza M.G. (1998). A linear programming model for the separate refuse collection service. Computers and Operations Research 25, pp. 659-673.

  • 1997

  • Mansini, R., Speranza M.G. (1997). Effective linear programming based heuristics for a portfolio selection problem. Ricerca Operativa, pp. 5-23.