MAO group - Models and Algorithms for Optimization

Dept. of Information Engineering                                                                      University of Brescia


Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Universita' degli Studi di Brescia
via Branze, 38
25123, Brescia

+39 030 371 5448
+39 030 371 5935
+39 030 371 5757

Since 2007, MAO is the Operational Reserch group working at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Brescia, Italy. It is part of the inter-departmental group OR@BRESCIA (University of Brescia, Italy).

Seminar by Prof. Justo Puerto

January 31, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. - Sala Consiliare

locandina Puerto

We are glad to announce that Prof. Justo Puerto  from Univerity of Seville (Spain), during his research visit to our group, will give a seminar entitled "Optimal pricing of heterogeneous products to heterogeneous customers who buy sequentially".

When: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - h.11:00

Where: Università degli Studi di Brescia, via Branze 38. Brescia (Italy) - Sala Consiliare

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 

Seminar by Prof. Ivana Ljubic

October 21, 2022 - h. 11:00 - Sala Consiliare

locandina Ljubic

We are glad to announce that Prof. Ivana Ljubic  from ESSEC Business School of Paris (France), during his research visit to our group, will give a seminar entitled "Last-mile Delivery with Autonomous Robots".

When: Friday, October 21, 2022 - h.11:00

Where: Università degli Studi di Brescia, via Branze 38. Brescia (Italy) - Sala Consiliare

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 

Seminar by R.Spliet

October 13, 2022 - h.13:00 - Room N11

locandina Spliet

We are glad to announce that Prof. Remy Spliet  from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), during his research visit to our group, will give a seminar titled "Dynamic time slot management in attended home-delivery" 

When: Thursday, 13 October 2022 - h.13:00

Where: Università degli Studi di Brescia, via Branze 38. Brescia (Italy) - Room N11

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 


PRIN project kickoff

We announce the kickoff of ULTRAOPTYMAL - Urban Logistics and sustainable TRAnsportation: OPtimization under uncertainTY and MAchine Learning, a PRIN2020 project funded by the Italian University and Research Ministry that deals with environmentally sustainable freight transportation, forward and reverse logistics activities in urban areas. By adopting Stochastic Optimization and Machine Learning techniques, the project addresses complex problems affected by a high degree of uncertainty and involving sustainable transport modes and delivery options.

The project is led by Università degli Studi di Bergamo (UNIBG) in cooperation with Università degli Studi di Brescia (UNIBS)Università della Calabria (UNICAL), and Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB)

Daniele Manerba will be the coordinator of the UNIBS Research Unit.


Duration: March 22, 2022 - March 22, 2025

Official website:

Contacts us:

Follow us: ResearchGate Twitter

ROAR in AZIONE! - Seminars on applications of Operational Research

February - April 2022. Zoom videcalls.

We are glad to announce that a cycle of informative seminars (in Italian) concerning applications of Operational Research was organized. This initiative is part of ROAR (Ricerca Operativa Applicazioni Reali) project-work, set up through an agreement between the high school G. Antonietti (BS) and the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of University of Brescia.

The seminars are free and open to all.

To receive the link of Zoom videoconference and/or for information regarding ROAR project:

Special Issue: Sustainability in Synchromodal Logistics and Transportation

Call for papers

Daniele Manerba, together with Prof. An Caris (University of Hasselt, Belgium), is Guest Editing a Special Issue entitled "Sustainability in Synchromodal Logistics and Transportation" for the "Sustainability" journal. You are all invited to submit a contribution!



The Special Issue is now published at:

Seminar by Prof. Pisinger

November 13, 2019 - h.16:00 - Room B3.1

We are glad to announce that Prof. David Pisinger  from the Technical University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen (Denmark), during his research visit to our group, will give a seminar titled "Decomposition algorithms for the multi-modal ride-sharing routing problem" 

When: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - h.16:00

Where: Università degli Studi di Brescia, via Branze 43. Brescia (Italy) - Room B3.1

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 

Seminar by Prof. Ngueveu

October 23, 2019 - h.16:00 - Room B3.1

We are glad to announce that Prof. Sandra U. Ngueveu from LAAS-CNRS and Universitè of Toulouse (France), during his research visit to our group, will give a seminar titled "Piecewise linear bounding of univariate nonlinear functions and resulting MILP based solution methods" 

When: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - h.16:00

Where: Università degli Studi di Brescia, via Branze 43. Brescia (Italy) - Room B3.1

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 

>> Download slides of the seminar

Seminar by Prof. Gendreau

October 30, 2018 - 10h30 - Room N6

We are glad to announce that Prof. Michel Gendreau from Polytechnique Montréal, during his research visit to our group, will give the seminar at the University of Brescia:

M. Gendreau - Stochastic Vehicle Routing: an Overview and an Exact Solution Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands under an Optimal Restocking Recourse Policy - Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 10h30 - Room N6

The seminar is free and open to all students and professors. 

>> Download slides of the seminar

R. Mansini: the new director of Seminario Matematico of Brescia

May 2018

On 17/05/2018, Prof. R. Mansini was elected Director of 'Seminario Matematico di Brescia', an interuniversity center born in 1988 from an agreement between Università degli Studi di Brescia and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore to promote and manage common initiatives in the field of mathematical research.

Official website:

Arc Routing Problems: optimization models, algorithms, and applications

PhD course - Nov 4 and Dec 1-2, 2016 - Verona (Italy)

Prof. R. Mansini and Dr. D. Manerba will teach a mini-course for PhD students entitled "Arc Routing Problems: optimization models, algorithms, and applications". The course will have a duration of 8 hours and take place at the Dept. of Computer Science - University of Verona (Italy).

Modelling Week - Verona, Sept. 4-11, 2016

Optimization in City Logistics

Prof. R. Mansini and Dr. D. Manerba of OR@DII group, in collaboration of Prof. R. Rizzi (University of Verona, Italy), have organized an OR stream titled "Optimization in City Logistics" during the Modelling Week PhD school recently held in Verona ( The stream have consisted in theoretical and laboratory lectures to the students and in project assignments to complete and present to the other groups during the week. 

The experience was great. PhD students, which for the most part are not doing research in OR, have highly appreciated the subject and put high efford and passion in completing their projects.

The event has been cited by different magazines and some interview to students and professors are available at 

Interested people can find some materials (video lessons, project proposal, and so on..) at the following link:

Seminars by Prof. Hanafi

May 2016

We are glad to announce that Prof. Said Hanafi from the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France), during his research visit to the OR@DII group, will give two seminars at the University of Brescia. Both seminars are free and open to all students and professors. 

  • S. Hanafi - Hybrid approaches combining Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming for 0-1 mixed integer programming - Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 15h30 - Room B1.2  >> Download flyer
  • S. Hanafi - On the convergence of Scatter Search and Star Paths with Directional Rounding for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programs - Thursday, May 05, 2016 - 16h30 - Room N4  >> Download flyer


Hello world!!

The renewed website is online

The website, renewed in style and in contents, is on! Here you can find all the information relating to the group and its research activities. Feedbacks are welcome.


The Traveling Constellation Problem (TCP)

OR doesn't go on vacations for Christmas

A TCP instance The heuristic solution The final result.. Merry Christmas!! :)

Let us introduce the following optimization problem: given a Christmas Village sky, a set of stars (representing several constellations) and a string of Christmas lights, the Traveling Constellation Problem aims at finding a simple tour of the string lights starting and ending at the power socket that visits all the stars minimizing the lenght of the string (the string lights has a cost proportional to its lenght).
We propose a heuristic solution for the problem and test the method on a real case instance.

A gold medal for OR@BRESCIA

Quality of research 2004-2010

OR@BRESCIA (which includes our group) has been ranked FIRST among all the small-medium size Italian universities for quality and number of scientific publications in the period 2004-2010.